Pushkala Prasad
Contact Information & Background
Professor of Management, Zankel Chair,
Department of Management & Business
Phone: 518-580-5238
Office: PMH 208
Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D., management, University of Massachusetts
- MBA, Xavier Institute
- B.A., history, Stella Maris College, University of Madras
- IA 351 Faces and Phases of Global Capitalism
- ID 221 Multicultural Flareups
- MB 306 Foundations of Business in the International Environment
- MB 336H Diversity and Discrimination in the American Workplace
Selected Refereed Articles
- Smoke and Mirrors: Institutional Entrepreneurship and Identity Work by the U.S. Tobacco
Industry, 1920-1945 (with A. Prasad & K. Baker), Organization, 2016. (forthcoming)
- One Mirror in Another: Managing Diversity and the Discourse of Fashion (with A. Prasad
& R. Mir) Human Relations, 64:703-726. 2012.
- In the Name of the Practical: Unearthing the Hegemony of Pragmatism in the Discourse
of Environmental Management (with M.B Elmes) Journal of Management Studies, 42: 845-867. 2005.
- The Context of Third World Tourism Marketing (with C. Echtner). Annuals of Tourism Research, 30:660-682. 2003.
- Stretching the Iron Cage: The Constitution and Implications of Routine Workplace Resistance.
(with A. Prasad). Organization Science, 11: 387-403. 2000.
- Everyday Struggles at the Workplace: The Nature and Implications of Routine Resistance (with A. Prasad). Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 15: 225-257. 1998.
Edited Books
- Crafting Qualitative Research: Working in the Post-Positivist Traditions. (second edition). New York: Routledge, 2018. Translated into Japanese, 2017.
- Routledge Companion to Critical Management Studies (Co-edited with A. Prasad, A Mills & J. Helins Mills). London: Routledge. 2016
- Handbook of Workplace Diversity (co-edited with A. Konrad & J. Pringle). London: Sage Publications. 2006.
- Managing the Organizational Melting Pot (with A. Mills, M.B. Elmes & A. Prasad). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 1997.
Research Grants
- Jan Wallander Foundation of the Bank of Commerce of Sweden (Handelsbanken) for $186,000. “Diversity Professionals in the Swedish Employment Sector. March 2010-Dec.
- Swedish Quality of Work Life Foundation (Forsknings Arbetsliv), Stockholm. $240,000. “Managing Diversity as an Organizational Process. 2001-2006.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada. $50,000. Diversity and Discrimination in the North American Workplace. 1995-1998.
Selected Guest Lectures and Invited Research Seminars
- Institutional Entrepreneurship and Gender Identities in the U.S. Tobacco Industry.
University of Massachusetts, Boston. April 2016.
- Permission to Wander: Taking Interdisciplinarity Seriously in Organizational Research.
Featured Speaker at the Kern Symposium for Business and the Liberal Arts, Rochester
Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, March 2013.
- The Discourse of the Islamic Veil in Scandinavia. Fourth Annual lecture at CRED (Center
for Research of Equality and Diversity). Queen Mary, University of London, November
- Restoring Quality to Qualitative Research. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen,
December 2006.
- Dilemmas of Workplace Diversity. (Studieforbundet Narlingsliv och Samhalle) (Center for Business and Policy Studies) Stockholm, October 1999.
- Speaking about Resistance: Routine Opposition under Conditions of Flexible Capitalism. Faculte des sciences de l’administration, Laval University, Quebec City, January 1999.