Please also see the Event Calendar link for Environmental Studies:
Spring 2015
Thursday, Jan 29, 6 pm – Jordan: Home Away from Home29-minute documentary on a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan. Co-sponsored by the Anthropology and History Departments, Zankel Chair Professor of Management and Liberal Arts in the Department of Management and Business, student groups Hayat and JStreet, and the ES Program. The screening will start with a reception and continue with a short discussion.
Location: Spa
Monday, February 2, 5:30 p.m. – Capitalism, values, and the quality of life: an empirical, psychological approach – talk by Dr. Tim Kasser
Professor Kasser will explain how the American forms of corporation capitalism, with its focus on self-interest, competition, consumerism, and financial profit, emphasizes materialistic, self-enhancing values. He will then review research showing that this can lead to lower well-being, less pro-social behavior, and more ecological damage.
Location: Gannett Auditorium
Monday, February 9, 7 p.m. – Pandora’s Promise
Documentary about the history and future of nuclear energy. An audience favorite at the Sundance Film Festival, PANDORA’S PROMISE asks whether the one technology we fear most could save our planet from a climate catastrophe, while providing the energy needed to lift billions of people in the developing world out of poverty.
Location: Gannett Auditorium
Wednesday, Feb 11, 7 p.m. – Virunga
This documentary touches on the ethics of animal treatment, conservation of endangered species, government policies on poaching, and journalism. Sponsored by the Skidmore chapter of React to Film with support from the ES Program.
Location: Gannett Auditorium
Dr. Murphy, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Law and Director of the Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will discuss her work at the intersection of law, political philosophy, philosophy of engineering, and gender studies.
Location: Emerson Auditorium
Wednesday, Feb 25, 6 p.m. – Garbage Dreams
79-minute documentary on recycling by the Zaballeen community in urban Cairo. Co-sponsored by the Anthropology and History Departments, Zankel Chair Professor of Management and Liberal Arts in the Department of Management and Business, student groups Hayat and JStreet, and the ES Program.
Location: Spa
Location: Library
The SGA Speaker’s Bureau Keynote Speaker, Ta-Nehisi Coates is author of the memoir The Beautiful Struggle and a contributor to Time, Washington Post, The NY Times Magazine, and The New Yorker. He will talk on how race is lived in the US today.
Location: Gannett Auditorium
Majora Carter is an urban revitalization strategy consultant, responsible for the creation and successful implementation of numerous green-infrastructure projects, policies, and job training and placement programs. Her talk is sponsored by Skidmore Special Programs.
Location: TBD
David Lansing, from U Maryland-BC, will talk about the role of carbon offsetting in Costa Rica's effort to become a "carbon natural" nation by 2021.
Location: Gannett Auditorium
Late March – Advising Meeting for students interested in Environmental Studies
In advance of registration for spring courses, the ES Program will hold a meeting to introduce students to the ES curriculum and answer questions about major and minor requirements and upcoming courses. ES faculty will give an overview of the program, and then students will break into small groups to discuss the different tracks of the ES major. A date and time will be announced in early March.
Wednesday, Apr 8, 6 p.m. – The Fading Valley, West Bank
54-minute documentary on Palestinian farmers and water rights in the Jordan valley. Co-sponsored by the Anthropology and History Departments, Zankel Chair Professor of Management and Liberal Arts in the Department of Management and Business, student groups Hayat and JStreet, and the ES Program.
Location: Spa
Fall 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 5 p.m. Outside Dana – ES Study Abroad picnicIf you are interested in finding out about ES study abroad programs, come to this picnic and talk with ES students who have recently returned from abroad. We will serve international food to set the mood!
Tuesday, September 23, 6:30 p.m., ES Keynote Speaker Auden Schendler: “Great Fear, Great Hope: Meaningful Action in a Climate Changed World"
Vice-President of Sustainability at Aspen Skiing Company and author of Getting Green
Done, Mr. Schendler will discuss how to implement climate solutions in the real world.
Location: Gannett Auditorium
Tuesday, September 23, 5:30 p.m., Environmental Opportunities Fair
Informational tables from local environmental and conservation groups will be set
up in advance of the keynote talk. If you are interested in finding out about internship
or volunteer opportunities, please come by to talk to local representatives.
Location: Gannett Lobby
Friday, October 24 – field trip to the Darrow School Environmental Center
Students will visit the Darrow School in New Lebanon NY to visit their Living Machine
and Samson Environmental Center. The Living Machine uses natural ecosystems as a
model to clean wastewater and sewage from school dorms and other campus buildings
before returning the water to the Hudson River watershed. Nature’s “processors” –
a diversity of microorganisms, snails, oxygen, fish, and basic plant life – are used
to break down and digest organic pollutants.
October – Advising Meeting for students interested in Environmental Studies
In advance of registration for spring courses, the ES Program will hold a meeting
to introduce students to the ES curriculum and answer questions about major and minor
requirements and upcoming courses. ES faculty will give an overview of the program,
and then students will break into small groups to discuss the different tracks of
the ES major. A date and time will be announced in early October.